Free Wi-Fi

Zzzone guests are offered complimentary uncapped Wi-Fi for the duration of their stay.
Fair usage policy applies.

Check in

Guests are requested to check in at Harbour House Hotel. Located at 22 Harbour Road, it is a short walk away from Zzzone.


Your onsite housekeepers will ensure that the kitchen, lounge and bathrooms are kept clean every morning. Rooms are only refreshed after every four nights.


Bed linen will be changed after every fourth night of occupation


On arrival, you will be issued a large towel to use during your stay. R250 deposit applies.

Refreshments and Amenities contains:

To make settling in to your Hermanus stay more comfortable, on arrival you will be issued the following:

2 Still Water on day of arrival.

4 Milk Pods, 2 Nescafe Gold Coffee Tubes, 2 Five Roses Tea Bags, 2 Five Roses Rooibos Tea Bags, 2 Brown Sugar Tubes & 2 White Sugar Tubes & 2 Canderal Tubes

Salt and pepper will also be available in the kitchen for your use.

A microwave is available to warm meals in the dining/chill zone area together with a washup bin where used cutlery/crockery can be placed, and housekeeping will refresh next morning.

Guests are welcome to make use of the shower gel and hand wash soap located in the dispensers at the showers and basin.

Items not included, such as shampoo, conditioner and soap can be brought along or purchased at the local supermarket or 24 hour shop, 200 metres away.

Payment Management

If you are traveling together as a group and do not feel like being the one responsible for payment collection, we will gladly assist and take over this roll. We will liaise with you to allocate rooms to each person/couple joining your stay and follow up with them for payment.